Human Error Looks To Be One Of The Next Chicago Brands To Make An Impact

You run a brand called Human Error. Talk about how it brand came about

I was always into Art and fashion, but ever since my JR year of High School, I wanted to start a brand. I knew I didn’t want to jump right into it though. I wanted to make sure I took time and learn about what I need to do to run a brand. When I first was starting the brand, people would always tell me it wouldn’t work, but I ignored that and did what I wanted to do.

The first shirt I put out was the outspoken long sleeve. People were fucking with it heavy, but I had to brand it more. Even though I knew people liked it, I knew I could’ve done better. I ended up putting out the shirt for sale and took a huge loss, but I learned a lot from that.  

I then took some time off from dropping clothes and focused solely on the branding and after four months I decided to rebrand as Human Error.


When did you drop your first collection?

I put out my first collection in June this year. There were some random t-shirts and people bought them. Sales were good. It was very cool. But as I got into my second collection, sales started to fall off. I realized I needed to continue to take more and more time on my ideas and execute better.

With the rise of streetwear here in Chicago, who are your biggest inspirations?

Nico from Hidden Characters and Juany are two of my biggest inspirations. They both have taught and helped me a lot. My brother also has helped me out a lot.

I saw that Nico from Hidden Characters bought one of your first shirts. With him being one of your biggest inspirations, how was that feeling?

I remember I tweeted the shirt and said, “Hit me up if you want a shirt”. Nico was the one first one to retweet it and he ended up messaging me saying he wanted to buy it. It blew my mind that someone from one of the biggest brands in Chicago wanted to buy my shirt. I remember my heart dropped. He invited me over to his crib and I gave him the shirt. First thing he said was, “I don’t know what it was about this design, but I really fucked with it”. It was just all a crazy ass feeling for me. That moment boosted my confidence so much.

What has been the favorite piece you’ve dropped so far?

The hoodie I just put out because I never thought I would do embroidery. I figured I would just screen-print everything.


What can we expect from Human Error in the future?

Next year I plan on dropping these patch pants. They will be very limited. I really want to do a pop-up next year. I want do jackets as well. I have a lot of ideas. It’s just all about figuring everything out and executing.