AllenTheOfficial Made The Transition From Dancing To Music And Is Ready To Takeoff.

Introduce yourself

I’m AllenTheOfficial and I’m a pioneer.

A lot of people know you from dancing and co-founding ‘The Future Kingz’, but now you’ve made your transition from dancing to music. What caused this transition?

Well after years of dancing, I had a kid which made a huge change in my life. Spending more time with family, and less on art. I had more time to reflect on what I wanted to do creatively. I knew I had so much more to offer. I explored music and realized there was so much more to unlock. I started working with artists I met through dance, and they really fucked with my music. From there, I learned to create buzz and find myself as a musician.

Are you still dancing at all?

DUH. I just came back from Nebraska, shoutout to the Huskers. They flew me out to teach a workshop and showcase some dope pieces. I really plan on incorporating all of my dance with my music. At the end of the day, dance is where everything started for me.

You’ve been teasing this debut mixtape for some time, can we be expecting that anytime soon?

Well, you know how we move bro, we move in silence. But you’ll be expecting something at the start of December 


You also roll with 1688lbs, any new collections coming out?

We’re actually about to drop our Fall/Winter line. You can also catch us at Romero on November 5th, where the Big Bro, Antonio. Will be doing live art in support of hurricane relief efforts for Puerto Rico. Aside from that, we have a whole bunch of behind the scenes shit coming in 2018.